Why Are You Here?

What are you looking for?

          You have landed on my personal web page for some reason. What is it?

          Did you get here by accident? Press a wrong key, spell a word incorrectly, or simply surfed your way thru the door? In any case, “Welcome”

          If you love words as I do, and enjoy looking into them and their origins and  meanings, then you will do well here. This is a catchall of words. And places. And wisdom. And people. And the Lord who made them all.

          In landing here you have arrived at my personal blog,  which I write solely for my own enjoyment, I have divided up my writings into several categories: The Word, in which  I like to show Gods goodness from his Word, The World, in which I like to point out social justices, injustices, and idiosyncrasies  around us, and The Way, in which I reminisce about the places I have been to and things I have seen there.

          I invite you to come along down the paths I have begun on the right: The World, the Wayside, and the Word.           Again, “Welcome”

Author: garythepreacher

Ret. Elec Engineer, Ret Baptist Minister. Freelance writer. Traveler and Golfer. Lives with Mary Alice, wife of 53 years and Zeus the choc lab.

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