
And God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind and said:

Job 38:31,32  “Can you direct the movement of the stars—binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion?  Can you direct the constellations through the seasons or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens? 

          6 a..m., and, as we do every morning bout this time, Zeus and I stepped out of the garage and headed down the drive. Turning towards  the east and following  the road to its crest I was suddenly hit by a light from behind. It was so bright that I though a car was coming down the road behind us.

       Turning around  we found ourselves blinded by the light of the moon, soon to be a full harvest moon, just in time for Halloween. It seemed to hover and focus directly on us as we stopped in awe and stared into its pock marked face. It cast a shadow before us and lit our way up the road, guiding us  up to the intersection where we turn around each day.

       There was not a cloud in the sky, and God put on a show; a show of shows. Venus was watching from the eastern sky, while the sun, just below her on the horizon, was waiting for her cue to rise and start the day. Above us  all the constellations marched across the sky clearer and brighter than I can remember seeing them before. Over to the west, Mars had already gone to bed, just below that  horizon, and the moon reigned supreme over all the night sky.

          The sky show was so awesome I felt cause to fall on my knees and praise the creator of this stellar spectacular. He is more than worthy, you know,  of all our praise.

       We here on earth are battled and beaten, worried about an election, pinned down by a virus, and uncertain about what tomorrow will bring. But may I tell you something, my weary, earth bound  friend?

          Nothing has changed around us  in the universe. God is still in charge. The heavenlies are still in place, and science tells us that the light from some of those stars began their journey towards today long before we were here to see them. God is still in control.

    We may be fearful, but He brings peace. We sometimes feel confused, but He is still there, guiding us towards tomorrow. We often feel alone, but he is our constant companion.

Oh soul are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior
And life more abundant and free

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace