The Ant and the Contact lens

Numbers 11:11

             He asked the LORD, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put this burden .. on me?


A story by Josh and Karen Zarandona that I took from the internet and, with the Lords help, re-wrote…

A young lady was rock climbing up the face of a steep cliff in Utah one afternoon. A slip of her foot caused her to fall, but the safety rope saved her, and, though jarring her severely, it stopped her fall. The sudden stop, however, caused such a jerk that one of her contact lenses fell out and floated down hundreds of feet into the thick brush below.

“Oh Lord,” she cried, “what am I going to do now? I can’t see well enough to drive home without that lens, and it is many miles to any help!”

Alternately crying and praying she managed to finish the climb and pulled herself up over the rock face onto the top of the cliff. Still crying out to the Lord she began her trek down the hiking path that would take her to the base of the mountain.

On the way down she passed some hikers on their way up. A young man in the upcoming group hollered out in greeting as they passed, “You didn’t happen to lose a contact lenses down there did you?”

Totally amazed she exclaimed “Yes I did! But how in the world did you find it anyhow?”

“As I was coming up the trail,” he explained, “the sun glanced off something on the ground and so I looked down to see what it was. Would you believe there was this little ant coming out of the brush and crossing the trail, and he was carrying this contact lens! Is that awesome or what?’

Witness the scene that took place moments before this encounter that these hikers will never know about. Here is the conversation that took place between the ant and the Lord…”Lord, I don’t understand what you are telling me to do. This thing is heavy and I can’t eat it or use it for anything. And if I walk out onto that trail with it I am apt to get stepped on. But if that is your will, oh well, here goes”

Where are you in this picture? Are you the one crying out for help in a seemingly hopeless situation? Or maybe you are the one the Lord sent to help out a hurting brother or sister. Quite possibly, you are finding yourself in some pointless task that the Lord has given you, and are wondering what its all about.

Wherever you are in life, He is working. Up on the mountain, down in the valley, or in the underbrush, God is working all things out for those He loves.

Author: garythepreacher

Ret. Elec Engineer, Ret Baptist Minister. Freelance writer. Traveler and Golfer. Lives with Mary Alice, wife of 53 years and Zeus the choc lab.

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