
Now there’s a strange word: Amuck. Sounds like something that fell off the heel of a boot onto your wife’s clean floor. Or a male duck. Or the sucking sound made when a fencepost is pulled out of the mud.


But no, ‘Amuck’ has a more definite meaning. From we learn it is: to rush about wildly; lose self-control: Kinda like America, or the government, or maybe just the people around me. All of them except you. And, as the saying goes, I wonder about you.

Why would any educated and elected official choose to make a deal with a lying, murderous country like Iran when hardly any of their constituents would want them to?? They’ve all run amuck in Washington.

Why would any body in their right mind gather in a crowd urging others to ‘ kill cops and burn them like bacon?’ Must be more run amuck stuff.

And who, in the face   of this ‘amuckedness’ (new word of mine), would not want their children   taught the Ten Commandments? What harm can that do?

They’re in the Bible, urging us to act right.. They’re the very heart of the Jewish Law. And they are, in a manner of speaking,   in the Koran. But more importantly,   they are the moral foundation of all rational people who do not run around amuck.

A news commentator said this week that our problem was that we no longer knew who we were. Maybe that’s it:  we are running amuck trying to find our identity.

I’m thinking that when we discover ‘whose’ we are, we will rediscover ‘who’ we are and cease running amuckedly (another new word).

Don’t know about you, but I know ‘who’ I am and ‘whose’ I am and I seldom run amuck. He has shown me a better way. 1 Cor 14:33 NAS for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, 

Author: garythepreacher

Ret. Elec Engineer, Ret Baptist Minister. Freelance writer. Traveler and Golfer. Lives with Mary Alice, wife of 53 years and Zeus the choc lab.

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