

          Zeus, the chocolate lab, and I have traveled that old dirt road down thru the bottomlands every day, and neither of us ever saw it. But then we were merely out for the walk, not the search. Geosearch I mean.. For a Geocache. And now we are hooked on this trashy treasure hunt like super glue on a finger tip. You gotta try it.

What? You don’t have a clue? Well that’s the whole idea! Clues and Caches.

Have you not been on a geosearch lately? Found the latest Geocache? Left a note or a trinket for the next traveler? Let me explain.

A Cache is a hidden thing. Often a treasure, or provision. Mountain men left them all over the west so they could return for supplies to carry them thru the winter. But it has a whole new meaning today.

The latest craze, for those whose cell phones have become a part of their psyche,   is geocaching. This has become the present day scavenger hunt. With the aid of a cell phone and a wanderlust within, an adventure can be born. Over two million little ‘Geocache’ boxes are hidden around the world; in obvious, or not so obvious places. It goes something like this:

Once you have downloaded the app (Geocache free )   from the app store a map with lots of sites will pop up. Some near. Some not so much. Some easy to find. Some a little harder. As you move along the map the blue dot on the phone tracks your location, and that of the site, bringing you closer and closer to the mystical spot hidden quietly one day, just for you to find.

Once you have found the site you open the box, or bottle, or whatever, and exchange trinkets, if present, sign the logbook, and put it back. And on to the next. Like a scavenger hunt in cyberspace.

I found two within walking distance of the house this morning on my first try. One was in a blackened pill bottle nestled in the leg bracket of a picnic table in a church yard. The other was in a tin box, fastened with a magnet to the guard rail of a bridge railing. Wow! This is fun!

Once you begin you will discover that the app will show you the difficulty level of finding the cache, and also the difficulty of the terrain and your distance from it.


Now I can’t go out on my next hunt till I give you what the Lord gave me this morning as I shuffled down the old dirt road on my quest for treasure. “I have cached millions of folks out there for you to find, preacher,” He seemed to say, “and you pass them by time and time again, never knowing of their treasure, or their needs. All you need do is look.” You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart, the scripture says (Jer 29:13) . All this time I guess I never really was searching. Just walking. How about you?.

Author: garythepreacher

Ret. Elec Engineer, Ret Baptist Minister. Freelance writer. Traveler and Golfer. Lives with Mary Alice, wife of 53 years and Zeus the choc lab.

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